Welcome to the Euroserie Supertwin Top gas homepage. Congratulations to the 2017 and 2018 champion: Joerg Lymant from Germany. |
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Race #6: Mosten Raceday, Denmark. The final race in the 2018 Euroserie. A sprint race on the 1/8 mile
The sky was cloudy and it rained for a bit on thursday when most of the teams arrived at the Bode Eng Vej, and some rain interrupted the qualifications on friday for a while. But no rain on race day, and the sun came out on saturday afternoon. The track was well prepaired, as always.
Olaf Menzi was first in line for the first round of qualifications.
Olaf did a great new personal best at the last race, and stopped the clock at 4.78 at Mosten.
Peter Niklas on the turbocharged Honda had to to pull the clutch during his run to keep the engine running and to make it to the end.
Martin Buehler had attended all Euroserie races this season, and was at his best at Drachten.
Martin suffered from mechanical problems at Hockenheim, and again at Mosten.
Problems for Jan Malmberg, he shut off after the burnout.
Torbjörn Ström from Sweden is the new owner of Janne Gustafsson's "Yellow Jacket" bike. He raced it in Scandinavia this year, but he wants to do the full Euroserie Supertwin Topgas in 2019.
Torbjörn qualified at place #5 after the first round.
Malte Foit on his Rotax Buell got to place #12.
Cord Albers put the second "four" on the scoreboard, but he could not beat Menzi's time.
Herman Jolink's Ducati did not lift during his first attempt.
Sven Ole Schleichert attended all six races this season and keeps getting quicker on his Destroyer.
Anders Jensen and his team made some big steps forward in developing the blown Harley this year. But it did not show in Anders's first pass.
Frank Aaslund from Norway did 5.6, good for place #6 that morning.
Christian Bruhn had been active as a helper of Peter Niklas at the previous races, but ended the season racing his Ducati. The bike kept hesitating all the way.
Frederik Schack had won the last race, and was one of the favorites.
Schack opened with 4.782 second, slightly better then Olaf Menzi, top qualifier at that point, with one more favorite to come...
Horst Peterson went quicker then Schleichert.
Jørgen Godske from Denmark was at place #14 after the first round.
John Hanssen could not beat the time of the other two destroyers.
Joerg Lymant had already won the first four races, and became the 2018 champion at Hockenheim. But was beaten there by Frederick Schack in the finals.
Lymant was very eager to get his revenge, and produced a great run: 4.6, and became the top qualifier.
Jan Malmberg was allowed to try again, but could not make a pass.
Mats Larsson needed 17.6 seconds to get to the finish. And the bike stayed in the tent for the rest of the weekend.
Here's the list after round one:
In the second qualification round, only three racers could improve their times.
A great run bij Anders Jensen, he jumped to place #5 pushing down Torbjörn Ström,
Herman Jolink also did a good pass, and moved from place #9 to #7.
Christrian Bruhn also improved his time, but stayed at place #11
.Malmberg's gearbox jammed at the burnout, and he was not able to make a pass.
Joerg Lymant was last in line and did 4.70 @ 238.5 KMH, the best speed so far.
Martin Buehler had damaged the front cylinder head of the homemade engine and did not come out in the second round, but watched the action from the grandstand.
There would be no more qualifications on saturday, and only the top 8 of the list could take part in the eliminations.
The organiser allowed us to run them like a dragrace. But did not include the reaction times in the results.
The #8 went first, and the #1 only needed to be quicker then him.
Frank Aaslund did not make it to the finish.
4.699 for Joerg Lymant, very consistent.
Anders Jensen broke his chain, and did not reach the 60-foot mark.
His opponent Albers broke the front sprocket during his run, but reached the finish line after 16 seconds, so advanced to the semi finals.
Herman Jolink did 5.4, but Schack beat his time easily and eliminated Jolink.
Schack's time and speed were almost identical to numbers of his best qualification run.
With Buehler and Malmberg out, Olaf Menzi had big chance of becoming the runner-up in the 2018 championship.
Olaf Menzi's 4.9 was quick enough to eliminate Torbörn Ström. But Olaf had slowed down, compared to the day before.
No show for Cord Albers in the semi finals, as he did not have a spare sprocket. 4.74 for Lymant.
Menzi slowed down again, now a 5.0, and Olaf got eliminated by Frederik Schack who did 4.79.
Schack did his best time in the finals, 4.71.
Joerg Lymant knew he needed a 4.6 to win the race, and that's what he did!
Lymant was the quickest of every round and saved his best for last. Well done Joerg!
(from left to right: Schack, Lymant, Menzi)
Joerg Lymant was already certain of winning the 2018 championship. Olaf Menzi gathered enough point at Mosten to become this year's runner-up.
If Schack would have won the race, Frederik would have been the #3, but Lymant prevented that, and the third place in the 2018 Euroserie goes to Jan Malmberg.
(from left to right: Menzi, Lymant, Malmberg)
Many thanks to Hitz, Laffi, Morten, Holger and all the others at Mosten!
See you next year!
The annual meeting will be held in Januari. Details soon.
The 2018 calender for the Euroserie Supertwin Top Gas:Season's opener: EDRS, Malmö, Sweden: 19 may and 20 may.(read report)
Race #2: Speeddays, Alkersleben, Germany: 07-10 june. (read report)
Race #3: Drag day, Hoškovice, Czech Rep: 23-24 june. (read report)
Race : 4: Main Event, Drachten, The Netherlands: 27-29 july. (read report)
Race #5: Hockenheim, Germany: 16-19 August. (read report)
Race #6 Mosten Raceday, Denmark: 31 august - 2 september.
The five best results of these six races will count for the 2018 Euroserie championship.
2017 Calendar:
Season's opener: Malmö, Sweden: 13-14 may (read report)
Race #2: Malmö, Sweden: 3-4 june (read report)
Race #3: Drachten, The Netherlands: 28-30 july (read report)
:Race #4: Hockenheim, Germany: 18-20 august (read report)
Race #5: Mosten Racedays, Denmark: 1 & 2 september (read report)
Race #6: Drachten, The Netherlands: 29 sept-1 october (not valid)
The best 5 results count for the 2017 championship
________________________________________See the results of all racers on the European Dragracing Database. ____________________________________________________
Season 2016:
Season's opener: 13-15 may Malmö, Sweden. (read report)
Race #2: Bechyne, Czech Rep: (read report)
Race #3: Drachten, The Netherlands: 1-3-july (read report)
Race #4: Hoškovice, Czech Rep: 16 july (read report)
Race #5: Drachten, The Netherlands: 22-24-july (read report)
Race #6: Hockenheim, Germany: 19-21 august (read report)
Race #7: Mosten Racedays, Denmark: 2 & 3 september (read report)
Season 2015:
Season's opener: Hoskovice, Czech Rep., 9 & 10 may (read report)
Race #2: Bechyne, Czech Rep: 30 & 31 may (read report)
Race #3: Malmö, Sweden: 26 - 28 june (read report)
Race #4: Drachten, The Netherlands: 10 - 12-july (read report)
Race #5: Hockenheim, Germany: 7- 9 august (read report)
Race #6: Mosten, Denmark: 28 & 29 august (read report)
Finals: Malmö, Denmark: 11-13 september (read report)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Race Dates Supertwin Top Gas 2014:
3-4 may: Hoskovice airfield, Cz. Drag Day One, Knebl Drag Promotion (read report)
31 may-1june: Bechyne airbase, Cz. MSTO (read report)
28-29 june: Santa Pod raceway, UK. Summernationals SPRC (read report)
18-20 july: Malmö Raceway, Sweden (read report)
8-10 aug: Hockenheim, NitrOlympX, Germany (read report)
29-30 aug: Mosten Raceway, near Randers, Denmark (read report)
13-14 sept: Hoskovice airfield, Cz. Drag day Three, Knebl Drag Promotion (read report)
If you want to join in and need a good bike to compete, check the 4sale section.
Race Dates Supertwin Topgas 2013:
4.-5. May, Drag Day Open Hoskovice CZ (read report)
25.-27. May, NAST Championship, Avon Park GB ( read report)
31. May – 2. Juni, Grand Nationals Bechyne CZ ( read report)
3.-4. August, Vandel, Denmark ( read report)
9.-11. August, NitrOlympX Hockenheim D (read report)
16.-18. August, Dutch Finals Drachten NL Cancelled!!!
30-31. August, Mosten Race Days, Randers DK (read report)
15 September, Drag Day Finals Hoskovice CZ (read report)
The best six results count for the 2013 championship.
These were the 2012 race dates:
09-10 june: Drag Day Europe Hoskovice CZ (read report)
22-23-24 june: Dutch Open Drachten NL (read report)
29-30 juni/1 july: Dragster Eurogames Bechyne CZ (read report)
20-21-22 july: Dutch Open Drachten NL Cancelled!!!
10-11-12 aug: NitrOlympx Hockenheim D (read report)
17-18-19 aug: Dutch Open Finals Drachten NL (read report)31aug-01 sep: Mosten Race Days Randers DK (read report)
2011 Euroserie dates:
07-08 may: Drag days1 Hoskovice Czech republic. (read report)
04-05 june: Drag days 2 Hoskovice Czech republic. (read report)
17-19 june: Dutch Open Drachten 1,The Netherlands (read report)
15-17 july: Dutch Open, Drachten 2,The Netherlands (read report)
12-14 aug: , Nitrolympx Hockenheim, Germany. (read report)
26-28 aug: Dutch open finals, Drachten 3, The Netherlands (read report)
01-04 sept: Mosten MC Race days, Randers, Denmark.(read report)The six best results count for the 2011 championship.
These were the 2010 Euroserie Supertwin Topgas race dates:
8-9 mai: Hoskovice, Cz (read report)
18-20 june: Drachten, Nl (read report)
9-11 july: Drachten, Nl (read report)
29 july - 1 august: Mantorp, Se (read report)
13-15 august: Hockenheim, De (read report)
20-22 august: Drachten, Nl (read report)
2-4 september: Mosten, Dk (read report)
Best six results count for the 2010 championship.
This were he race dates for the euroserie supertwin topgas 2009.
15-17 mai: Malmö. Se. (read report)
13-14 june: Hoskovice ,Cz (read report)
19-21 june: Drachten, Nl (read report)
3-5 july: Luckau, De (read report)
10-12 july: Drachten, Nl (read report)
14-16 august: Hockenheim, De (read report)
21-23 august: Drachten, Nl (read report)
Best six results count for the championship.
Watch the quarter finals 21 june 2009 Drachten:
2008 season:
1) Malmo (S) 31 May- 1 June
(read report)
2) Hoskovice (Cz) 13-15 june (read report)
3) Drachten (NL) 20-22 june (read report)
4) Luckau (D) 4-6 july (read
5) Drachten (NL) 11-13
july (read report)
Testing and tuning can be done
in Hockenheim on 9-10
6) Hochenheim (D) 15-16-17
aug. (read report)
7) Drachten (NL) 29-31 aug. (read report)
Race reports for 2007:
18- 20 may: Malmö (read report)
16-17 june: Hoskovice, Cz (read report) google earth placemark
29 june-1 july: Luckau, De. (read report) google earth placemark
13-15 july: Wittstock, De. (read report) google earth placemark
20-22 july: Turtmann, Ch. (read report) google earth placemark
17-19 aug: Hockenheim (read report) google earth placemark
Don't forget to check the 4sale section, there are a lot of fast bikes on it now and many parts.
Race Reports 2006:
1st race: 17-18 june: Hoskovice, Czech
rep. (read report)
2nd race: 30 june-2 july: Luckau, Germany. (read
3rd race: 8-9 july Kunmadaras, Hungaria. (read
4th race: 14-16 july Drachten, the Netherlands.
(read report)
5th race: 21-23 july Turtmann, Switserland. (read
6th race: 12-13 aug Vandel, Denmark. (read
Official 1/4 mile record: 7.393 sec. Set by Gert-jan Laseur/Nl at Drachten, Holland. 23-08-2009
Official 1/8 mile record: 4.654 sec. Set by Frederik Schack, Denmark at Malmö raceway, Sweden on the 13th of september 2015 |
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